Our mission

The mission of the Golden Rule Project is to increase awareness and the practices of justice, compassion, kindness, and peace by sharing the universal principle of the Golden Rule, through education, programming, and partnerships. The Golden Rule Project is not religious, political, or associated with any agenda. We promote the Golden Rule as a basic human value.

Our History

The Golden Rule Project began in November 2003. The initial aim of the project was to place the Golden Rule in schools throughout Utah in a manner that would attract the attention of the students and encourage consideration of the Golden Rule. In conjunction with Crossroads Urban Center, the Golden Rule was presented to local legislators as a guiding principle in the execution of their roles and responsibilities.


We hope you'll help us spread the spirit of the Golden Rule with the use of our posters, story cards, passports and bookmarks. It is such a simple message, yet one that is difficult to apply in our daily encounters. The Golden Rule is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions are never isolated.